Certus Wealth Management Blog

Retirement Planning Across the Decades

Written by Joel Van Hofwegen | Dec 2023

Age-specific considerations to guide your approach to retirement savings, investments & life milestones

20s: Leverage the Value of Time

Begin Saving 10% From Your First Job
Compounding interest is powerful. For example, at 22, saving $250 per month with an 8% growth rate can secure over $1,300,000 for your retirement by age 67. Waiting a decade means setting aside $575 per month (130% more) for the same result.

30s: Navigate Life's Milestones

Strategically Manage Life Changes with Continued Savings
With significant milestones like homeownership, marriage, or starting a family, your financial situation may get more intricate. Plan for these life expenditures while continuing to prioritize a 10% savings rate for retirement.

Consider establishing legal estate documents to protect your heirs and estate.

40s: Amplify Your Savings With Future Income

Allocate Future Income Increases for Enhanced Savings
Channel unearned income, such as a 3% raise, into bolstering your investment contributions while maintaining your current lifestyle. This savvy strategy can help ensure incremental savings growth without sacrificing your quality of life.

50s: Optimize Your Peak Earning Potential

Harness Your 401(k) and Explore Retirement Growth Strategies
Strive to maximize 401(k) contributions during your peak earning years to capitalize on catch-up contributions. Consider after-tax contributions, if your plan allows, for potential conversion into the Roth portion of your retirement account. Assess options for longterm care coverage, such as transferring this risk to an insurance company or choosing to self-insure.

60s & 70s: Strategic Planning for Your Golden Years

Maximize Your Social Security Benefits
Tailor your Social Security strategy to determine the most advantageous time to claim benefits. Research Medicare options and enrollment periods for comprehensive retirement healthcare coverage.

Craft Your Legacy and Estate Plan
Refine your legacy plan, encompassing estate decisions and preferences for distributing assets to heirs or charitable causes.

Navigate Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
Refine your legacy plan, encompassing estate decisions and preferences for distributing assets to heirs or charitable causes.

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